ライフハック あなたの毎日を変える革新的な方法

ライフハックのブログ 人生を豊かにするノウハウを紹介します

時間効率の見直し / How to hack time loss.

にほんブログ村 その他生活ブログへ
にほんブログ村 科学ブログ AI・人工知能へ






I have roughly set my goals for this year, but I realized time is definitely not enough.

Thus I made conclution finlly, the only thing to do is to reduce the time for single task taking time long.

This is the main essense of how to read long sentences in English, what was said in Udemy which last night I saw.



UDEMYの誓い - 我正在學中文


砂時計 Hourglass


I had previously purchased an hourglass set from the WISH website, and now it was time to put it to practical use.


砂時計 | Wish



使い方 How to use






First, take advantage of the five minutes that are easiest to use. When I start working on something, turn the hourglass upside down. You must feel something as if a time switch has been turned on inside when you do this.

 How many more minutes until the meeting time?

 How many times until the meeting held in a few minutes.

Usually, when you do this, your brain is fully engaged, trying to increase efficiency all at once.





For now, today I wrote about a method that makes me realize how I usually spend my time leisurely and use my time like hot water.

From tomorrow, I would like to make further use of this method and verify what effect it has had on me.